The last week delivered sustained heat with peak temps in the 30C+ range (90F ish). Inside? The top blue line in the graph below tells the story. The setpoint for cooling is at 75F so you can also see that the CERV only cools part-time but has been effective when needed.
The lower greenish line records the effect of the earth tube in reducing intake air temp.
How about humidity? The bottom pale blue line is house air bumping along at 60-70% RH when the humidex was 40+. The top line is the Relative humidity (RH) of the intake after transiting the earth tube. The reason for 100%RH is that this air was hot and humid at intake and during transit, the temp dropped raising the RH and condensing (dehumidifying) in the earth tube. The earth tube has a slope and a drain to cope with condensate. I have been monitoring it and all is operating as designed thus far.

NOTE: My apologies in advance for the confusing temperature scales. While our CERV2 is an amazing device, it is made in the USA and has not yet been taught to play nice at all times with Centigrade temps and the metric system.
Daily power consumption for the entire house including cooling/ventilation is running at little over 10kWh or about $1 a day.